International Mission
What is mission?
Mission is telling others about Jesus & sharing with them how much
He loves them!
At SBC we support a number of different international mission projects:
Arise Kapumpe, AMEN Trust, & BMS World Mission.
As a church we hope to support some of the individuals involved in these great projects through prayer, connecting and giving. Please see below for more info & how you can support.
Mulishani Friends!
''They will soar on
wings like eagles''
Isaiah 40:31
Naomi (on the right) pictured alongside Agnes (middle) and Lister (left)
Naomi Voice:
Naomi is a teacher from the UK who began visiting Kaniki in 2005. She moved to Zambia in 2015 and is now the Director of Kapumpe Christian Primary School. She also leads the Arise Team who work closely together to best support the guardians and orphans in the Arise project.
Arise Orphan Project:
Empowering orphans, vulnerable children and their guardians.
Kapumpe Christian Primary School:
Equipping pupils and staff with excellent education and discipleship for life-long learning.
Buna Ziua Friends!
''Be strong and courageous.
Do not be frightened for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go''
Joshua 1:9
Dinah (on far left) pictured with Tijs, Jessica and family.
AMEN Trust was formed in 1995 by Gareth Bolton of Operation Mobilisation to channel resources to Christians who are working to make a difference in their own countries. AMEN currently has partners in 5 countries - India, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania and Serbia.
Dinah Madge:
Dinah travelled out to Romania in summer 2020, feeling that God had been leading her to go and spend time there. Dinah has been working as a volunteer with Tijs and Jessica (AMEN partners) who have a ministry to show God's love to the Roma People.
For more info on the Pe Lunca Community Centre (updated Feb 2024) ...
Namaste Friends!
''As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.''
1 Peter 2:4-5
Toby and Pippa, with Jakey, Ella, and Millie
The Vokuhl Family:
The Vokuhl family have been serving God in Nepal since January 2018. They felt called as a family to bring their skills and personalities into a development and resilience building context in Nepal. They want to share God's love through life and work. Our church started a BMS church partnership with the Vokuhls in March 2021. This coincided with the Vokuhls returning to Nepal and moving from Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Click below to read the latest edition of 'Engage'(the Vokuhls article can be found on pages 10-13) :