Sunday 31st March - He Is Not Here - Mark 16:1-8
Previous Sermons
Sunday 19th January, New Heart - Ezekiel 11: 14 - 20
Sunday 12th January, New Focus - John 5: 13 - 15
Sunday 5th January, New Season - John 21: 1 - 14
Sunday 29th December, Jesus Presented in the Temple - Luke 2: 21 - 40
Sunday 22nd December, The Unchanging Christmas - Luke 2: 15 - 21
Sunday 15th December, The Unlikely Invitation - Luke 2: 1 - 20
Sunday 8th December, The Unexpected Rescue - Matthew 1: 18 - 25
Sunday 1st December, The Unusual King - John 1: 1 - 14
Sunday 24th November, Partners in the Gospel - Philippians 1: 1 - 11
Sunday 17th November, Hope - Romans 15: 1 - 13
Sunday 10th November, Submissive Love- Romans 13: 1 - 10
Sunday 3rd November, Others - Romans 12: 9 - 21
Sunday 27th October, Sacrifice - Romans 12: 1 - 8
Sunday 20th October, Chosen - Romans 9-11. Reading Romans 10: 1-13
Sunday 13th October, Adopted - Romans 8: 11-17
Sunday 29th September, Freedom in Christ - Romans 6: 1-14
Sunday 22nd September, A Sower Went Out to Sow - Matt 13: 3-9
Sunday 15th September, Place of Peace - Romans 5: 1-11
Sunday 8th September - Rooted - In Faith, Romans 4
Sunday 1st September - Rooted - In The Cross, Romans 3: 21 - 31
Sunday 25th August - Rooted - In Reality, Romans 1: 18 - 32
Sunday 18th August - Rooted - The Power of the Gospel, Romans 1: 7-17
Sunday 11th August - Rooted - Identity, Romans 1: 1-7
Sunday 4th August - Rewilding, Acts 2: 1-21
Sunday 28st July - The Armour of God, The Sword of the Spirit - Ephesians 6: 10-17
Sunday 21st July - The Armour of God, Helmet of Salvation - Ephesians 6: 10-17
Sunday 14th July - The Armour of God, The Shield Of Faith - Ephesians 6: 10-17
Sunday 7th July - Meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus - Luke 19: 1-10
Sunday 30th June - Vokuhl Family Update- Jacobs Dream : Genisis 28:16-17
Sunday 23rd June - Meeting Jesus, The Rich Ruler - Luke 18:18-30
Sunday 16th June - Meeting Jesus, Wannabe Disciples - Luke 9: 51-62
Sunday 9th June - Meeting Jesus, A Sinful Woman - Luke 7: 36 - 50
Sunday 2nd June - The Armour of God, Shoes of Peace - Matthew 8: 23-26, Matthew 14: 25-33
Sunday 26th May - The Armour of God, The Breastplate of Righteousness - Romans 3: 19-31
Sunday 19th May - The Armour of God, Belt of Truth - Ephesians 6: 10-18
Sunday 12th May - Meeting Jesus, The Centurion - Luke 7: 1-10
Sunday 5th May - Meeting Jesus - Luke 5: 1-11
Sunday 28th April - Moving Forward with God's Presence - 2 Samuel 6:1-15
Sunday 21st April - Resting in God's Presence - Psalm 23
Sunday 7th April - God's Presence on the Road to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35
Sunday 31st March - He Is Not Here - Mark 16:1-8
Sunday 24th March - Turmoil Sunday - Matthew 21:1-19, NRSV
Sunday 3rd March - Welcomed into God's Presence - Luke 15:1-2,11-32
Sunday 25th February - Transformed in God's Presence - Isaiah 6:1-8
Sunday 18th February - Keeping On in God's Presence - Hebrews 10:19-25
Sunday 11th February - Guided by God's Presence - Exodus 33:1-17
Sunday 4th February - Glimpses of God's Presence - Matthew 17:1-18
Sunday 28th January - Encountering God's Presence - Exodus 3:1-14
Sunday 21st January - Centred on God's Presence - Psalm 27
Sunday 14th January - Delighting in God's Presence - Genesis 2:4-17
Sunday 7th January - Looking Back. Looking Forward - Deuteronomy 31:8